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Safeguarding Communications Plan


  • Internal: Priests/clergy, curia, catechists, education, parish volunteers and safeguarding reps, congregations, CBCEW.

  • External: parish and wider communities, other churches, media, victim/ survivors, partner agencies (Police, social services, LAs),



What do we want people to do as a result of this plan?

  • Recognise we are taking Safeguarding seriously and it is a top priority for us.

  • Apologise to victim-survivors, acknowledge and accept mistakes/failures where appropriate.

  • Know what to do/who to talk to if an issue arises: be it pastoral, know how to report it and to whom and appropriate media response if required.

  • Understand that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, prevent issues arising in future and know how to react if they do.         



  • The safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults is at the heart of the Church’s mission.


  • The Catholic Diocese of Wrexham is fully committed to safeguarding in the Church.


  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and is a priority in every parish.


  • We have adopted and implemented the policies and procedures of the Catholic Church of England and Wales, which is committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. We are a member of the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA)


  • We will liaise closely with statutory and non-statutory agencies to ensure that we:

  • promptly and properly respond to any allegations of abuse,

  • pass on allegations to the Police;

  • appropriately support any victims;

  • hold perpetrators to account.

  • Victims come first. This has not always been the case. The Church deeply regrets all instances of sexual abuse and the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults, and accepts that grave mistakes were made in the past.



Who owns the communications plan and its messages?

  • The Diocesan Board of Trustees who comprise of both Clergy and Lay Persons.

  • The Trustees’ Safeguarding Sub-committee. This is a body Chaired by a Trustee and comprises of Lay Persons, each with a rich background in safeguarding who carry out this function on behalf of the Bishop and his Trustees.



Our safeguarding messages should:

  • Be included in management and leadership meetings within the Church body.

  • Demonstrate that the church leadership owns them

  • Be present throughout our print, digital and word-of-mouth communications

  • Actively engage with volunteers, parents, and guardians, when deciding how to communicate the safeguarding messages most effectively

  • Contain links with local organisations, voluntary and statutory, that are present within the community.






  • Ad Clerum,

  • parish newsletters and/or bulletins

  • Posters and notices containing key safeguarding information/contacts in all Churches and Parish Halls within the Diocese.



  • Diocesan newspaper “The Clarion”

  • Diocesan website and social media channels.

  • Parish websites and social media, email bulletins

  • Safeguarding Co-ordinator Quarterly newsletters and Annual Report.


External Media

  • Be proactive about communications which are open, honest, transparent, timely, accurate and clear.


Word of mouth / community engagement

  • Bi-annual Training sessions for Parish Safeguarding Representatives.

  • Address safeguarding in Parish meetings at a local level.

  • Priests encouraged by Safeguarding Office to address Safeguarding in sermons and Parish notices.

  • Parish Safeguarding Representative s to address congregations and raise awareness of their role as per written guidance from the Safeguarding Office, so that all Parishes convey the same message.  This will also be available in printed form.

  • Make safeguarding Communications Plan readily available on Diocesan website

  • Close working relationship between Communications Officer and Safeguarding Teams.



The plan will be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains fit for purpose and relevant to current Safeguarding Guidelines.




Safeguarding Communications plan is to be reviewed:

Date Created:  19th March 2024                    Review date: 19th March 2027

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