What is the Diocesan Plan?
What is the Diocesan Plan?
We have established a steering group of employees of the Diocese and member of the Diocesan clergy and have the support of Bishop Peter Brignall.
We have agreed that the responsibility of driving forward the work will be that of the steering group but especially Steve Davies and Margaret Hinton.

Margaret and Steve are both Dementia Friends Champions Dementia Friends Information Sessions have been delivered to the vast majority of the Clergy of the Diocese and will be delivered to 30% of the parishes in the Diocese during the next 12 months to include Eucharistic Ministers, Union of Catholic Mothers, St Vincent de Paul Society, Knights of St Columba, parish welcomers.
Develop a questionnaire for people and parishes about how people with dementia could be supported within the parish community and beyond. Encouraging parishes to engage with the Dementia Friendly Communities initiatives in their own communities. The proposed questionnaire would help to identify the areas of need within parishes to work towards increased inclusion and support of those living with dementia and this will inform the plans for future years.
Reporting will be via the online system and will be carried out by each of the registered users of the site.
Have a dedicated page on the Diocesan Website for the Dementia Friends initiative and ensure there are regular updates in the Diocesan newsletter.