Vocations Sunday - 25th April
Pope Francis in his message for to-day reflects on S. Joseph and that ‘through his ordinary life he accomplished something extraordinary in the eyes of God.’ (Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 2021 World Day of Vocations) That idea is developed in the themes of ‘dream,’ ‘service’, and ‘fidelity’. On 10th July I will have the privilege and joy of ordaining The Rev’d Deacon Matthew Bond to the order of Priest in S. Mary’s Cathedral. For Matthew that day will be achievement of a dream as well as the beginning of service. Please keep him in your prayers in the coming days and weeks.
There are many parishes which have a collection to-day in support of the ‘Priests’ Training Fund’ element of the diocesan levy. It costs in the order of £40,000 a year for five or seven years to train and form a priest and I am most grateful for every pound that is contributed from across the Diocese to assist with these costs. Your support to the formation of the next generation of diocesan priests and deacons can be made through your parish, or if you prefer directly to the Diocese; in both cases please specify to what Fund your donation is being made and whether or not under the Gift Aid scheme.
Thank you for your generous support and continued prayer for vocations to priesthood, deaconate and religious life especially from within our own parish families and communities
The Holy Father’s Message for this World Day of Vocations can be read on: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/vocations/documents/papa-francesco_20210319_58-messaggio-giornata-mondiale-vocazioni.html
Further information on Vocations can be found on the Bishops’ Conference website: https://www.cbcew.org.uk/home/our-work/national-office-for-vocation/discovering-vocation/ and follow the link.