Creating A Safer Environment
Welcome to the work of the Safeguarding Department of the Diocese of Wrexham.
In this section you will find information on how to:
Report a concern about a child or adult at risk;
Support to survivors of abuse;
How to create a safer environment;
How to safely recruit staff and volunteers;
Guidance as to how to promote a culture of safeguarding across the Diocese.
On this page, you also will find the details of the safeguarding team and how to contact us.
We hope that you will find this area useful, and we welcome any constructive comments you may have that will help us improve our services.
The Diocese of Wrexham's Safeguarding arrangements are governed by the National Policies for the Dioceses of England and Wales.
Who to Contact
Reporting Safeguarding Concerns: If you have information of a safeguarding nature where a child or adult is in immediate danger or requires immediate medical attention call emergency services on 999.
If you wish to report any safeguarding concerns, past or present, please email or call us on: 01978 262726
Safeguarding Co-ordinator – Mary Rowlands: 01978 262726 / 01978 536349
Safeguarding Administrator - Karen Lewis: 01978 262726 / 01978 536349
We will ensure that any concerns are dealt with in a timely and appropriate manner.